Hi all. New to this group but felt I had to find an outlet to speak to people who understand my situation.
I am stepmum to a 6 yr old boy who was diagnosed with Autism in May. I have been with my partner for nearly 4 years and living together for 3. We have my stepson every Wednesday and every other weekend but the holidays are split evenly with a week on, week off in the summer. We in the final few days of our last week and it has been like an endurance test!
We both work full time and my partner doesn't seem to have thought about the logistics of caring for SS across the summer. There is an undertone of expectation that I should be doing 50/50 but as someone who doesn't want my own children and who cares about my job and career, I resent this. I wasn't included in the decision for custody or to have children so why does my life balance have to suffer and shift? I then feel guilty for thinking this way as it's not very "team-player"
I am very fond of my SS and we get on well but I still feel fairly neutral about him (I am cringing with guilt writing this)
My partner doesn't want any more children and so therefore it suits him that I don't either, and yet he wants me to display some maternal inclination towards my SS
The ex is hell bent on being as awkward as possible with pick ups/drop offs and court ordered weekly phone calls which adds more stress to our relationship.
This could all be a product of extreme summer holiday fatigue but it's lovely to be able to type it all out in a safe space without fear of judgment!
Oh my days I hear you!
We've just had my SD and SS 3 weeks straight and I had to take the time off because husband hasn't got enough leave - it's hard tedious work and I did a little dance when they went home!
I love my bonus children to pieces but not being their parent does make things harder. My husband will tell them what to do and they'll come check with me if they have to do it which makes husband feel underestimated or they'll not get the answer they want and ask me which starts WW3 in the household.
Having bio mum making things difficult doesn't help whatsoever. Thank god it's school Tuesday, eh!!
Has SS gone back to mums now? Congratulations on surviving the summer holidays though!!