Just wanted to say hi, I am new here. I have one bio son and three step kids with a high conflict mother! Lots of frustration at the moment. They have only just been allowed to stay overnight after four years because of their horrible mother. (Ended up going through court and they granted almost 50/50 immediately).
My OH is so on edge all the time, criticises everything I do, gets so defensive about them. Tells me I'm not maternal enough etc. We argue over them everytime they are with us, I get shut out all the time. It was hard when they didn't stay overnight (he saw them for 13 hours a week) and I thought it would improve when he got overnight but it just gets harder and worse.
I have just had enough and needed to vent!
Feel free to vent!
Where is it you are hoping to get to with your family?
Can you have really honest conversations with your partner? Is he supportive?
It sounds like you’re both going through a lot and maybe some time spent listening to one another (I mean really listening!) could help?