Hi, little nervous about posting here as you never know whos on certain forums but here goes, I'm a 28 year old with no kids of my own (unless you count furbabies!) my partner has 3 children from a previous marriage who are 13, 9, and 5. I'm not a stepmum by technicalities as I am not married to their father, but I am referred to as such. I've come into this completely new with no children or experience other than siblings, it's been a rough couple of years with many ups and downs. I always feel like I am the forgotten person within the family group as the kids mums partner lives with them and gets involved with every decision and makes decisions but it's frowned upon if I try and do the same. I don't have any friends as such who I can talk to about things like this as no one understands. But I need to talk or rant about some things before I explode
From a very tired and stressed out forgotten mama bear
Welcome Mama Bear!! That's a lot to take on for sure!
And frustrating that the stepdad has more of a say than you! Feel free to share, rant, chat, just don't explode!!!
Welcome Mama Bear - it isn't easy is it! Vent away :)