Hello! I have a 2.5yr old bio son and a 9yr old stepson. My relationship with my stepson is not in good shape at the moment: we don’t really trust each other and he doesn want to spend much time with me. I understand but I don’t know how to improve the situation.
I am struggling with feeling protective over my little boy about things like toy sharing or when my stepson gives my son nasty looks after a toy sharing argument. Any advice on how to handle this better? I feel like I’m often being unfair to/ too hard on my stepson but my protective instinct is so strong. I think that is normal but it doesn’t help foster trust between my stepson and me. Any tips?!
Hi @SarahP and @Bella How are you both getting on with these? Happy to share some tips if there are still issues here? x
Hi, I don’t have any advice I’m afraid because I’m going through similar. I just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone and thank you for being honest about how you’re feeling xx