I'm a step mother to a gorgeous autistic 5yr old boy and 8yr old girl (going on 18).
Mum walked out when SS was a very small baby and my husband and and I have been married a year.
EVERYTHING is a battle, despite a court order being in place. I've been accused of molestation for washing SD hair 2½ years ago, we had stillborn twins in 2020 - my fault.
SD has hair down to her waist and wants it cut to a short bob. I commented that when her hair is cut that she could donate her hair to children who need wigs - that's wrong also!
Can stepmums ever do anything right?
Beginning to lose sanity......
Ps. Sorry for
@BambiBeth Oh babes, my heart hurt reading your post, I wanted to hug you and tell you everything will be ok.
Court orders don’t seem to benefit the ones that actually do what they are supposed to and follow it at least in my experience which is unfortunate.
I am so sorry for your loss. That does not make the situation any better. I have experienced my own losses and I hate that for you.
As far as can us step moms do anything right?-yes, yes we can! Don’t let bio mom lessen the love you give your SD because she can’t handle someone else loving and being a mother to her daughter. That’s her burden and unfair to put on you.