Hi everyone!
i am a childless step-mum. I actually get on well with my partners kids.. 14 and 10.. girl and boy. I think they love me and I love them loads. my issues are mostly with my partner and his unreasonable expectations of me… we had a row this week because he said I should be putting them to bed. I disagreed and said although I’m more than happy to hug and say goodnight etc that is his job and his kids would want him to do that. We argue about lots of shit like that quite often.
my partner wants me to be 50/50 with him and I want to hang out when I want. It’s causing resentment between me and his son who don’t want to see each other all the time!
I completely get your frustrations here @aimee.franklin3 !! I’ve had similar conversations from my OH and I agree with you! I “shouldn’t” be doing anything, if I want to or he’s not there, that’s different, but I didn’t choose the responsibility of having children, I chose to have a relationship with someone that has children and believe they are 2 very different things! hope he saw sense after your convo xx
@aimee.franklin3 He told you you "should" be putting the kids to bed? Thank goodness you have your head screwed on to remind him they are his kids!
How are things now?