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Forum Posts

Mar 09, 2022
In General stepmum stuff!
I have just booked on to this workshop on 7 April and I'm really excited to take part! I see this as an investment in myself and also my relationship with my 6 year old step daughter. Hoping I get to meet lots of step mums too, let me know if you will be taking part?
Feb 27, 2022
In "Childless" stepmums
Okay so this me! Does anyone else find it really difficult to share or suggest alternative ways of doing things when you aren't actually a 'parent' yet? I always have thoughts around how I would handle things with my own children but it's hard to share those when they are just thoughts because you have never done it before, you feel like you don't have the right to? Like you're being judgemental!
Feb 23, 2022
In Introduce yourself
I'm a step mum of 1, we often refer to her as 'kiddo' so I'll stick with that here. She's a few months off turning 7 and I've been in her life for 18 months. I don't have any children of my own just yet but hoping to some do! Although when trying my best to navigate through stepmum life without falling to pieces most weeks I'm unsure how I would cope adding and 'ours' baby into the mix. Anyway, I'm so excited to hear everyone's stories and feel like I'm part of a community who understands ❤


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