So I am the main carer but my stepsons go to their mother for 6 school days per month . Anyway I picked the 9 year old up from school last Thursday and he hadnt eaten any of his lunch again that she provided . It was a brioche roll , rich tea and ritz. no effort was put in to that lunch at all ( all dried snacks ) and I was really annoyed as I always give him a good lunch or a school dinner because he loves fish fingers . so When he went back after 9 days with me , I put a note in the lunch bag I returned . would anyone else of done the same ? This has been going on for 7 years and Ive just had enough .

I feel your frustration. And I feel like this isn’t even about being a good mum it’s just common sense. I regularly struggle to understand what goes on in my stepdaughters mothers head. She will get uniform wrong and she wasn’t paying for lunches and built up a debt, but luckily the school still provided her with meals, but what frustrates me is my stepdaughter will turn up to our house with brand new expensive clothing and toys.
Hi, this is awful but I guess if she doesn't have him often there is a good reason? Is there any way you can arrange direct with school that he gets a school lunch on the days he's with her? That was you avoid the communication entirely and most importantly he gets a decent lunch? x