My SD will be moving to secondary school in 18 months and her mum is planning on moving over an hour from where we are currently live (We chose to live where we do to be close to my SD) She is choosing to move to where her boyfriend and kids are. We have a tricky at best relationship with the ex, and we believe a driving factor for the move is to create distance between us and my SD.
This affects our custody as we will no longer have access mid-week as we do now due to the distance. Does anyone know if legally we have a leg to stand on to stop this?
(my partner has parental responsibility, he is on birth certificate and they were married. We have her for 4 of every 14 nights at the moment)
@Lulu how are you getting on with this? x
You can get a Prohibited Steps Order to stop the child being moved from the area - have to show it is not in their best interests to move. Failing that could you move as well?
I would go back to the lawyer who handled the divorce and ask for advice. If custody was part of the divorce settlement then I am sure your partner will have rights.