Good afternoon!
It's so great to have this space to vent, chat and take advice from. It's all a journey.
I found this space via the podcast. I love self help podcast. Anything to help and not feel I'm crazy.
My SD is 14 and now lives with us which is great. But it's been very turbulent road for us all with court trips 3 years ago and a very rocky relationship with her bio mum. 3 years ago she wanted to live with us but court said we had to work it out and she was sent back to live with bio mum as no drugs or alcohol or violence involved and she had been main career and SD was 11at the time. Even though we had letters from primary school re bio mum behaviour etc.. there was a huge delay in the cafcass report which ultimately ended up not happening. After bio mum putting more pressure on SD to stay at home with her, SD has said she went along with somethings her mum said just so she didn't turn on her.
I have always found her mum hard work and very controlling on the situation. Always trying to manipulate or bribe SD. Now she lives with us it's come out how bad her mum was to her emotionall telling my SD she's not loyal when she wants to see her dad, taking away her phone so she can't contact him, bio mum smashed up a tablet child was playing on because bio mum said child was rude and telling her she's horrible and not her daughter and that's just the tip of the ice berg really. Bio mum has since been violent and pushed and shoved SD and got very verbally abusive as SD had lied about which friend she saw. (Bio mum didn't like said friend) It wasn't just control of her relationship with her dad but also friendships too. At this point SD has come back to live with us and we have of course informed social services of this particular event.
Now SD is out of situation she says she feels as though a weight has been lifted and even her head of year has said you can see shes more relaxed. And she's just happy.
She's signed up for counselling. But there's always a waiting list. I'd love to find her an appropriate podcast or give her more tools to deal with everything she has been through. Please can anyone recommend anything?