Hi - I thought stepmumming would be easier as they grew into teens. That my SDs would mature, it would take less 'work' etc.
It's got harder... the teenage angst, the moods, challenging every last request, rejecting me in a way that they didn't when they were younger..
I thought they'd be a couple of friends I'd enjoy having round... instead it feels more like a warzone sometimes.
Anyone else have this?
Definitely feel rejection - unfortunately I didn’t get much time with SD before the teenage hormones did, now my efforts to build a relationship and do nice things for her go unnoticed or are criticised. Think teenagers are inherently selfish. Maybe one day they will recognise what we did for then and how hard being a step mum is!
Sending love your way x
It does doesn't it. Anything I do 'wrong' is never forgotten. All that I do for them (and there is lots) is disregarded and taken for granted!
Hi Johanne, I’m with you on this. My SS was lovely when he was 8 and since he turned 11 (now nearly 14) he has become more and more challenging to the point where he doesn’t acknowledge me anymore but he’ll fawn to his dad because he knows his dad will never tell him no to anything. I’ve tried everything I can to be a good stepmum to him but it all feels so pointless.