I’m mum to a wonderful 23 year old son and (almost) step mum to a lovely 7.5 year old Boy. We are getting married in May. On the whole, we all get along very well. But I do find my partner allows his son to speak to me in a way I find unacceptable. I try to speak my truth as calmly as possible. Not always easy, but I try. The best line I’ve remembered is ‘nobody wants a step mum’ with that in mind, I have struck gold with this little man.
looking forward to meeting more step mums, and feeling understood.
kids can be amazing can't they!!!
My 23 year old is great with my ss. He calls him his step brother and they play FIFA together on the PlayStation when my son visits. Harvey also wants to teach my ss to skateboard when he’s older.
I think I’d be quite jealous if it was me, but he’s really good with the whole set up.
aaah, that is lovely! How do your older children find the situation? x
so true!! Does your stepson spend time with his mum so you get some QT with your fiancé?
Wow! you've gone right back to the beginning on motherhood with a grown up son! How has that been? Great line to remember "nobody wants a stepmum"! I use that a lot too!