Hi all,
I've been a Stepmum for 10 years, full time for 4 due to bio Mums passing and I am so so happy to see that mayne a positive, helpful Stepmum forum finally exists!
I remember times when I was so broken and stressed being told by bio Mums that I wouldn't understand because I'm "not a real Mum" and told by the stepmums in the extremely negative groups that I found that I should just leave and calling their step children 'skids'.
I really hope we can build this community to provide actual support when needed and if any of you want to talk things out I'm more than happy to help.
Xx Swordfish
The things that some bio moms say to step moms are harsh. I went looking for support in groups and seeing women and other mothers tearing each other down was awful and then seeing what some step moms said about their step children would bring me to tears. I really do hope this community grow and be a place for step mothers to come and get actual good helpful support.
Can't agree more with what you've said. Mumsnet you get told to basically shut up and sit down by bio Mum's. Just because we aren't bio Mum's we are still a part of a parenting team.
I myself am adopted and I have fostered children with permanent status who are now grown.
I doth my cap to you and it's great to have a forum to share the good, bad and ugly and get advice and support from people in similar situations