Wondering if there are any fellow stepmum's in the Bedfordshire/Hertfordshire area? Would be lovely to meet up for a walk and talk and to share experiences.
Not sure excatly where you are from but I'm living in Northamptonshire so not too far from Bedford. Would lbe great to have other step mum friends to meet for a cooffe/ walk and talk about all the feelings you go through.
I have a very nearly 6 year old stepdaughter. I have been in her life since she was 2.5 years old.
hi @KLA85 Have you registered on the 'Stepmum Squad' link?
Not sure excatly where you are from but I'm living in Northamptonshire so not too far from Bedford. Would lbe great to have other step mum friends to meet for a cooffe/ walk and talk about all the feelings you go through.
I have a very nearly 6 year old stepdaughter. I have been in her life since she was 2.5 years old.
We also have a 5 week old ours baby.