struggling with feelings of resentment towards my step daughter (5) and the things I am missing out on with my partner.
I want to travel with him, visit new places etc but realise this isn’t possible as we can only go away a week at a time due to the schedule they have.
We are looking to buy a house but I keep getting feelings of jealousy that she will have a room in my first home. I suppose I’m struggling to accept the life I imagined with a partner is very different to the life I will live? Love my partner to bits but unsure I can continue with the feelings of guilt I have. Does it get easier?
I'm sorry that you're struggling xx
In tes of struggling with giving up certain aspects of the childless life, I'm not sure that it gets easier if I'm being honest.. but I personally have gotten used to it and made my peace. I think that it dulls over time as you build a bond.
When I met husband I was on the verge of moving to London which I cancelled and stayed in the country to be with him. At times over the years I've resented not going ahead with the move, less time spent with friends, not travelling like our friends do, not having the freedom to have date nights etc but I do have to remind myself that I chose this, I chose him and this is the life that came with that. Its a question of whether the life that you have can be enough, if that makes sense.
How you are feeling is valid and understandable. Have you spoken to your partner about it? Perhaps you could arrange to change schedule occasionally?